共線式連結像空間座標與物空間座標, 此次作業要算出像空間的四個角在物空間中的座標。 因為物空間是三維,多像空間一個未知數,會無法求解。 此次假設像空間該點的 Z 座標為 0 ,才能求解。
共線式展開後是兩條方程式, 也就是像空間 x y z 與物空間 X Y Z 必須有四個已知,才能求解另外二個。 因為像空間中所有點都在 xy 平面上, z 座標固定為 0 , 因此能用物空間座標 X Y Z 反算像空間 x y 。
若已知道像空間 x y 欲求物空間, 則 X Y Z 至少還要知道一個。 常用手法是套 DTM , 如果該點在地表,即可得知高程 Z 。 這樣未知數只剩 X Y 。
程式一樣寫成可以被引用的套件, 可以被引用的套件 , 輸入內外方位參數,即可使用。
# load matrix and vector module
when require
vector = require 'vector'
matrix = require 'matrix'
rotateMatrix = require 'rotateMatrix'
when window
vector = window.vector
matrix = window.matrix
rotateMatrix = rotateMatrix
class ColinearityEquation
constructor: (parameter, interiorOrientalParameter) ->
# [xa - xp] = scale * M * [Xp - Xo]
{c,xp,yp, omega,phi,kappa, xo,yo,zo} = parameter
# compute rotate matrix from ground to image.
# spaceToPhotoMatrix = M
@groundToPhotoMatrix = rotateMatrix.wfk omega, phi, kappa
@photoToGroundMatrix = @groundToPhotoMatrix.transpose()
# camera position vector in ground system.
# cameraVector = Xo
@cameraInSpaceVector = vector.createFromArray [xo,yo,zo]
@cameraToPhotoVector =
interiorOrientalParameter || vector.createFromArray [xp,yp,c]
# function find photo xy by ground xyz
# @param {number} ground x
# @param {number} ground y
# @param {number} ground z
# @return {vector} [x,y,z] in vector object,
# vector is a array like object defined in vector module.
groundToPhoto: (groundPointVector) ->
if ! groundPointVector instanceof vector.create
groundPointVector = vector.createFromArray groundPointVector
unScaleVector = @groundToPhotoMatrix
.multiply groundPointVector.minus @cameraInSpaceVector
# solve the scala factor by focus
scale = - @cameraToPhotoVector[2] / unScaleVector[2]
# scale unScaleVector
.multiply scale
.add @cameraToPhotoVector
photoToGround: (
groundPointVector = vector.createFromArray [NaN, NaN, 0]
) ->
photoPointVector = if photoPoint instanceof vector.create
then photoPoint
else vector.createFromArray photoPoint
unScaleVector = @photoToGroundMatrix.multiply(
.minus @cameraToPhotoVector
.multiply -1
cameraToPointInGroundVector =
groundPointVector.minus @cameraInSpaceVector
scale = unScaleVector.reduce(
(s,x,i,m) ->
if s
then s
else x / cameraToPointInGroundVector[i]
return unScaleVector
.multiply 1/scale
.add @cameraInSpaceVector
# export modules
when module && module.exports
module.exports = ColinearityEquation
when exports
exports.ColinearityEquation = ColinearityEquation
when window
window.ColinearityEquation = ColinearityEquation
// 引用寫好的函式庫
var ColinearityEquation = require('colinearityEquation')
// 外方位參數
var eop = {
// 相機在物空間座標
xo: -60.7716,
yo: 54.6448,
zo: 568.3118,
// 相機在物空間族轉角,
// 其中 x y 軸接近 90°
// 內方位參數
var iop = [
0.041933, // xp
-0.016958, // yp
3.984584 // c
// 有了內外方位參數的共線式物件
var ceqn = new ColinearityEquation(eop, iop)
var pixelSize = 0.0014*1000, // 單位 um
width = 3328, // 單位像素
height = 1872
// 四個角的像空間座標
var pointsInPhoto = [
[width/2, height/2, 0],
[-width/2, height/2, 0],
[width/2, -height/2, 0],
[-width/2, -height/2, 0]
// 把像空間座標的陣列每個元素,
// 作為函數 ceqn.photoToGround 的參數,
// 結果再放進 pointsInGround 陣列。
var pointsInGround = pointsInPhoto.map(
function photoToGround(point) {
return ceqn.photoToGround(point)
// 顯示出結果
X | Y | Z |
264.94611896620967 | 175.4693777826725 | 0 |
-211.09793536035852 | 291.82108632733224 | 0 |
182.05429243562483 | -90.13272484313029 | 0 |
-269.1081529765974 | 35.20632612336624 | 0 |
計算 GSD
像比例尺 = h / c = 568.3118 / 3.984584 = 142.6276369126614
空間解析度 = pixel_size * 像比例尺 = 0.0014 * 142.6276369126614 = 0.19967869167772595mm
GSD = 0.2mm
地面 GSD
X 軸方向
(264.94611896620967 + 269.1081529765974) / GSD = 2670
Y 軸方向
(291.82108632733224 + 90.13272484313029) / GSD = 1910